Our mission.

Cut through the crap of the GAMSAT prep industry to deliver smart, sensible, and effective GAMSAT resources for everyone.

We believe that prep companies have had a hold over the GAMSAT industry for far too long.

Prep companies make profit by exploiting students’ anxieties, fears, and goals.

Consistently, they over-promise and under-deliver, perpetuating class divisions within medicine by using flashy marketing tactics to sell outdated and disempowering products for exorbitant prices.

Enough is enough.

We believe that you deserve better.

We believe that it’s time for change.

Grab a FREE 38-page guide to unveil their GAMSAT myths and transform your exam strategy.

Sick of prep company crap?

Our GAMSAT Philosophy

We believe that every student is capable of reaching their GAMSAT goals.

We believe that the GAMSAT is a test of your ability to apply various critical thinking skills and perform under pressure.

We believe that GAMSAT success takes hard work, a strategic plan, an empowered mindset, and a problem-solving approach.

We believe that the best way to prepare is via strategic use of practice questions, reflection, evaluation, and skill-based drills.

 We ❤️ Our Values 

You can tell a lot about a business by the authenticity of their values.

Our commitment to our values makes us very unique in the GAMSAT world.

  • Above all, our mission is to support GAMSAT students by replacing the exploitative prep company industry with an ethical alternative.

    We promise to always:

    Operate for and with purpose.

    Operate with authenticity and integrity.

    Be honest about the things we don’t know or can’t predict.

    Provide greater value than sale price.

    Provide scholarship options.

    Make meaningful contributions to charity.

    We promise to never:

    Make false promises or flashy manipulative claims.

    Advertise using student scores, because your achievements are yours alone.

    Perpetuate unrealistic GAMSAT standards.

  • When we’re all on wonderfully different GAMSAT paths, the only constant is that one size does not fit all. We believe that your GAMSAT journey deserves better than generic advice, and should be shaped by your unique life and goals.

    We promise to always:

    Provide resources that make the GAMSAT achievable for all students, from all backgrounds.

    Provide options to personalise our advice to your journey.

    Provide free support to all students to help tweak, scaffold, and support from the sidelines.

  • We won’t rest until the fear-based, gimmicky, profit-driven GAMSAT industry is replaced by an authentic and kind approach. We believe that learning to approach the GAMSAT with self-sufficient resilience instead of anxious confusion gifts you success and sustainability, both for the GAMSAT and beyond.

    We promise to always:

    Create resources that teach you to think critically in a GAMSAT context, so you’re empowered for any question that comes your way

    Use validated pedagogical and neuropsychological methods to empower you to study skillfully.

    Integrate principles of positive psychology, cognitive awareness, and reflective practice to help you unpack the origins of your study, learning, and motivational challenges.

    Discuss the GAMSAT in pragmatic, realistic, and positive terms.

  • It’s our name & it’s our game.

    Our most important goal is to make a difference to your GAMSAT journey via effective resources that have all of the good stuff, and none of the frills or f*cking around.

    This means building your skills by creating frameworks and strategies that develop your ability to problem solve.

    We promise to always:

    Provide resources that develop your critical thinking and problem solving skills.

    Teach study strategies that are smart, efficient, and effective.

    Synthesise the best GAMSAT advice into frameworks that cut the crap.

    Be honest about the hard work you’ll need to put in, and the satisfaction you’ll feel when you do.

We live by our values.

Making our profits meaningful is one way we operate with purpose.

We donate 5% of profits to charity organisation 20Talk, who help young adults integrate relatable mental health tools and skills into their lives.

We love them and we love what they do!

Check them out here.

Accessibility means access for everyone.

For every 100 guides we sell, we provide 7 to students who couldn’t otherwise afford it.

This scholarship is no-questions asked and is randomly drawn after every 100 sales.

Apply by filling in this form